Monday, 31 October 2011

Dadda and dadda and pineapple swoon

I've been out and about a fair bit this month; I have two voluntary jobs (though if your definition of voluntary job is 'work you don't get paid for' I have about seventeen), and have started two courses, each an evening a week. J has taken over more of the childcare. Already the baby calls us both 'dadda!' - or perhaps, as J has it, he has no word for me because I'm never there. More likely (I think) that despite recent absences he has no need to call for mama because I'm still more or less ubiquitous; I'm part of his very psyche so he scarcely misses me. Ahem. Time will tell.

I think the sudden rush of Doing Things which don't involve the children has been brought on my the end-of-summer back-to-school panic of everyone else having jobs or studying to go back to, an I still have no money and essentially no real idea what I'm going to do, career-wise. I'm torn between my head which tells me to appreciate this precious time when the children are still so small, and my heart which is screaming “stop talking about babies!” (pace Kate Beaton)

J managed to get out and enjoy the Beer Fest – he went with a beer-barrel-sponsor, and liking the VIP exclusivity of the tasting is planning to sponsor one himself next year. They tried to drink through the counties but only got as far as Wiltshire, which ale apparently tasted of white wine. He has taken up running since then, and cuts rather an odd figure. Firstly because he runs the opposite way around Queen's Park to everyone else; second, he actually runs, rather than jogs; and finally, he has vowed not to shave his beard until he finishes his pHd. The effect is a cross between Mujahideen and Seventies folk singer on a mission.

We had Larkin's naming ceremony in Stanmer Park on Apple Day. We asked people to bring him a poem or piece of advice and got some beautiful offerings (including two surprisingly optimistic Philip Larkin poems) and the following advice: 'Always remain alert! The world needs more lerts'). We had the last of the amazing weather and have been stuck indoors since. On the upside, we have discovered a great website – for babies! is for people who think there's nothing wrong with encouraging your one year old to play computer games, if it gives you five minutes' bloody peace.

Finally – I have been lucky enough to start learning clowning with the Hanover-legendary (and some would say rather alluring) Mr Pineapple Head. That's all. I just wanted to boast. Read it and swoon.

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